Augmented songbook: an augmented reality educational application for raising music awareness
Type: journal article
Authors: Marçal Rusiñol, Joseph Chazalon, Katerine Diaz-Chito
AbstractThis paper presents the development of an Augmented Reality mobile application which aims at sensibilizing young children to abstract concepts of music. Such concepts are, for instance, the musical notation or the idea of rhythm. Recent studies in Augmented Reality for education suggest that such technologies have multiple benefits for students, including younger ones. As mobile document image acquisition and processing gains maturity on mobile platforms, we explore how it is possible to build a markerless and real-time application to augment the physical documents with didactic animations and interactive virtual content. Given a standard image processing pipeline, we compare the performance of different local descriptors at two key stages of the process. Results suggest alternatives to the SIFT local descriptors, regarding result quality and computational efficiency, both for document model identification and perspective transform estimation. All experiments are performed on an original and public dataset we introduce here.
Associated tags
metadata ▸ material ▸ Augmented songbook
metadata ▸ contribution ▸ Evaluation
metadata ▸ year ▸ 2018
technological dimension ▸ applications ▸ VR, AR
technological dimension ▸ input technologies ▸ Mobiles
technological dimension ▸ system outputs ▸ Audio
technological dimension ▸ system outputs ▸ Visual
musical dimension ▸ activities ▸ Responding
pedagogical dimension ▸ learning theories ▸ Cognitivism
pedagogical dimension ▸ users ▸ Pre-school, primary
pedagogical dimension ▸ venues ▸ Everywhere