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Mona Listen: A Web-Based Ear Training Module for Musical Pitch Discrimination of Melodic Intervals

Type: journal article

Authors: C Sebastian Loh

This study investigated the effects of Web-based pitch discrimination training on college music students’ achievement in melodic interval discrimination. Mona Listen, a Web-based learning module for pitch discrimination, was developed as a training and data collection tool for the study. Practice records, participants’ feedback, and achievement scores of pretest, posttest and follow-up posttest served as the data for a repeated measure design study. Data analyses were conducted using ttest and analysis of variance. Focus-group interview provided additional data not collected with the online instrument. The findings of the study indicated that: (a) Web-based pitch discrimination training had an overall positive effect on achievement in melodic interval discrimination, and (b) the amount of time spent was not a good predictor of achievement due to other possible underlying factors.

Associated tags
metadata ▸ material ▸ Mona Listen
metadata ▸ contribution ▸ Evaluation
metadata ▸ year ▸ 2004
technological dimension ▸ applications ▸ Desktop
technological dimension ▸ input technologies ▸ Mouse, keyboard
technological dimension ▸ system outputs ▸ Audio
technological dimension ▸ system outputs ▸ Visual
musical dimension ▸ activities ▸ Responding
pedagogical dimension ▸ learning theories ▸ Behaviourism
pedagogical dimension ▸ users ▸ Conservatory, university
pedagogical dimension ▸ venues ▸ Classroom