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Music composition lessons: the multimodal affordances of technology

Type: journal article

Authors: Marina Gall, Nick Breeze

This article seeks to investigate the multimodal affordances presented by music software and how it can provide new opportunities for students to engage with composition work in the classroom. It aims to broaden the scope of current research into classroom composition using technology, through a study of students’ environments and compositional processes as seen from these new perspectives. The authors believe there is a now a need for a reconsideration of the scope of multimodal enquiry in the field of creative music.


Associated tags
metadata ▸ material ▸ Cubasis
metadata ▸ material ▸ Cubase VST
metadata ▸ material ▸ Dance eJay
metadata ▸ contribution ▸ Evaluation
metadata ▸ year ▸ 2005
technological dimension ▸ applications ▸ Desktop
technological dimension ▸ applications ▸ Mobile computing
technological dimension ▸ input technologies ▸ Mouse, keyboard
technological dimension ▸ input technologies ▸ Microphone
technological dimension ▸ input technologies ▸ MIDI
technological dimension ▸ system outputs ▸ Audio
technological dimension ▸ system outputs ▸ Video
musical dimension ▸ activities ▸ Creating
pedagogical dimension ▸ learning theories ▸ Constructivism
pedagogical dimension ▸ users ▸ Pre-school, primary
pedagogical dimension ▸ users ▸ Secondary
pedagogical dimension ▸ venues ▸ Classroom