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Computer-Assisted Musical Instrument Tutoring with Targeted Exercises

Type: thesis

Authors: Graham Keith Percival

Learning to play a musical instrument is a daunting task. Musicians must execute unusual physical movements within very tight tolerances, and must continually adjust their bodies in response to auditory feedback. However, most beginners lack the ability to accurately evaluate their own sound. We therefore turn to computers to analyze the student’s performance. By extracting certain information from the audio, computers can provide accurate and objective feedback to students.

Associated tags
metadata ▸ material ▸ MEAWS
metadata ▸ contribution ▸ Evaluation
metadata ▸ year ▸ 2003
technological dimension ▸ applications ▸ Desktop
technological dimension ▸ input technologies ▸ Microphone
technological dimension ▸ system outputs ▸ Visual
musical dimension ▸ activities ▸ Performing
pedagogical dimension ▸ learning theories ▸ Cognitivism
pedagogical dimension ▸ users ▸ Conservatory, university
pedagogical dimension ▸ venues ▸ Classroom